Tag Archives: podcasts


22 Jan

I stumbled upon Ologies on Spotify today while looking for something to keep myself awake in office. Oligies is a podcast hosted by Alie Ward, an actress / writer / artist and a wholesome human being. Each episode looks into a particular -ology (for example, entomophagy anthropology), in which Alie interviews an expert from the field and we get to know them and their field of expertise.

I was immediately captivated from the first episode. Alie leads her interviews with a delightful sense of wonder and curiosity and humour. The conversations seem to wander and carry you with it but still contained neatly within its topic. The podcast reminds me so much of my university time, sipping wine and having long thoughtful conversations with my housemates late into the night.

Yet Ologies is so informative and full of interesting thoughts and ideas that I actually took notes. Below are some notes of (in my opinion) important things I scribbled down from the podcast.

Entomophagy Anthropology

Professor to his student who is struggling to find a specialism:

“You’re interested in everything but you don’t know what you want to do – let’s throw everything at you and see what sticks.”

Ornithology (Birds)

Find and watch a video of a horned screamer bird.


Ratio for a good cocktail – 2 (alcohol) : 1 (sweet) : 1 (sour)

Ratio for perfect party punch – 4 (hard liquor) : 4 (soft drinks) : 1 (sweet) : 1 (sour)

There’s no such thing as 2 drinks that do not mix well. Everything goes together as long as they are balanced.

Fallingfruits.org – A world map of where you can find trees with edible fruits.

Note to self – must try Seedlip.


I highly recommend Ologies to every curious minds out there. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!